SMART Marketing and PR
S = Strategy to Meet Goals
M = Media Mix
A = Art & Creative that Sells
R = Research to Identify Buyers and Measure the Results for ROI
T = Tactics & Channels that Fit the Situation
You probably don’t remember the lame commercials that Old Spice produced to try and boost their brand and sell more products years ago. They were not memorable.
But now, Old Spice has a new creative team. Quite simply, they’re nuts.
They’ve been known to shoot 200 commercials in 2 days. Then they put them on YouTube.
Old Spice has new commercial writers
Have you noticed all the drowning deaths in the news lately?
Holiday weekends are the most dangerous. According to the American Public Health Association, “Florida has the highest drowning death rate in the US for children ages 1-4 years (8.9/100,000) and during 1999-2003 recorded 356 unintentional drowning deaths among children in this age group. In children under age 5, swimming pool drownings are most common (68%).”
Click below to see how it can happen.
Drowning at the party. One blink is all it takes.
Collateral damage is part of any disaster or emergency. Misinformation or the wrong perception is common. Florida is going through that right now.
Mention vacationing or buying waterfront property or near beach homes in Florida, outside the state, and many react, “The beaches are flooded with oil,” Property values are crashing because of the oil,” and on and on.
It’s just not true.
Click Below to See The facts:
Will oil spill grassroots marketing campaign work for Palm Beach County?