SMART Marketing and PR

S = Strategy to Meet Goals
M = Media Mix
A = Art & Creative that Sells
R = Research to Identify Buyers and Measure the Results for ROI
T = Tactics & Channels that Fit the Situation

Thursday, May 28, 2009

News Releases as Marketing

I've been using "news" to market products and services for decades.  Most people don't believe advertising.  They still believe news.  

I started out using News Groups on the Internet in the 1980's when I was at IBM.  Now I use a number of Web and Email channels.

I'm not talking about press releases.  The press has become almost irrelevant because of the web. Create and distribute enough real news about your product, service, and company and the press will come to you.  And even if they don't, customers will learn about your offerings and you will increase leads, traffic, and sales.  Try to do at least two per week.

Don't think of news releases as just print or web.  I produce news in video for TV and web; audio for radio and web; and writing for newspapers, magazines, e-blasts, and the web.  If you want to learn more, get a copy of the book:

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing, and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly by David Meerman Scott

You can see examples of the news I'm talking about on my website:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Learning, and Profiting, from Online Friendships

Companies are working fast to figure out how to make money from the wealth of data they're beginning to have about our online friendships.

By Stephen Baker
BusinessWeek May 21, 2009
Click Here to Read the Article

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Brand Called "Me"

You’ve been laid-off, down-sized, right-sized, or capsized. Maybe all-of-the-above multiple times.

Your “personal brand” is old, worn, and beaten. So is theirs.

All brands go through tough times. American Airlines has fallen out of favor. Nike took it on the chin. IBM got a big-blue butt whipping for over 10 years. GE and NBC, well – you know.

And your friends, neighbors, and colleagues have been through it too. Will they adapt and move to the next big thing? More importantly, will you?


In a down market, in an economy that is spiraling to the bottom, now is the time to make your biggest moves. You must re-brand yourself. You must become "Me LLC."

That doesn’t mean you have to start a company. But you have to think like you are. You have to think like a free-agent.

A free-agent with a championship brand.

Regardless of your age, position, or business, you must understand the importance of branding you. And you are your best brand manager. Even if you work for another company, you need to view yourself as a free-agent – because “sizing” will happen again.

Careers aren’t on ladders any longer. People don’t move up. They move through a marketplace maze just like products or services from a business. Why not use the same branding techniques and advertising that major companies use? With the web, it doesn’t cost that much anymore.

We can show you how to create your brand, protect it, and advertise it.

Know Your Personal Brand: "Me LLC"

What is a brand? The simple answer is: a promise. It’s a promise of the value you provide others.

What makes you different? What do you offer? What have you done to make yourself stand out? What do you do that adds amazing, measurable, unique value?

Can you write it into a 15 word elevator speech? Make sure you phrase it as a benefit to the customer. As a free-agent, your resume must be a marketing brochure about the benefits you offer clients or an employer.

Protect Your Brand

Protecting your brand can be complicated – mainly because of the web. It’s called reputation management. Have you been online complaining a lot lately? Do you comment on blogs? Have you been to questionable websites and left a footprint you wouldn’t want anyone to know about – particularly an employer or a client?

We know strategies that can help you create and protect your web "Me LLC" brand. There isn’t any reason why you can’t launch your new brand or re-brand right now – today.

Advertise Your Brand

The first step is the obvious one: Career Sites. Next is Social Networking sites. And to be a complete branded free-agent, you must create a website and blog.

Website domain names and template driven user created websites don’t cost much today and they are simple to use after you know what you’re doing. The problem comes in if you don’t have the time to figure all this stuff out, learn how to update your sites and social networking sites, and discover the strategy to advertise.

Actually, once you know how to do it, the whole process is easy. Finding it out is hard because you have to learn the software for each site and research the "channels" that best match your brand.

That’s where Brown Ltd. can help. We already know the best websites, the best social network sites and how to manage them, and how to expand your brand with free advertising. We sit down with you for one-on-one training, tailor a strategy that matches your brand, and show you how to do it.

We help you create the sites, plug into social networking, and get you going. The typical cost for a personal branding setup costs less than $500 and can be done in less than a week – roughly 10 – 15 hours of hands-on help.

The value is incredible. After everything is built, you can put as little or as much time into it as you want – it depends on how pervasive you want your brand to be.

So get started creating "Me LLC" today! A powerful brand attracts clients and employers so don't wait. Be your own free agent right now! Contact Mike at 561-756-1674 or

Or to find out more, go to
Cause Marketing Meets Social Media
Brands tap do-gooder impulse to encourage consumers to pass along marketing messages

In this AdWeek article, see how Target uses voting and friend broadcasting to multiply their message. A classic case of SMART marketing & PR.

AdWeek Cause Marketing Story
Case Study: Palm Beach Civic Association is a non-profit that had 200 web visitors a month, a reputation that they wanted to change, a pending crisis because of the economic downturn in 2008-2009, and some hostile stakeholders. Mike changed their brand identity, launched a new website:, and started a news writing campaign with "Monday Morning in Palm Beach" plus other news features every week. Website visitors average 221 per day, their reputation has been changed to the brand they want, they are holding steady in membership, added 17 new directors, and had more press mentions per month than their entire 66 year history. Go to Google or Yahoo and search for "civic association". The new Palm Beach Civic Association will be in the top 5 on the first page in organic search results out of over a million items. Contact Mike to find out how he did it: